
2011年9月28日 星期三


詳細資料備索或來信洽詢 yujengshin@gmail.com


題名: 桑黃輔助癌症化學治療與評估改善多重藥物抗藥性表現之藥理機制探討
The molecular mechanism of Phellinus linteus play an adjuvant role on a variety of anti-cancer drugs and improve multidrug resistance expression in animal models
作者: 褚俊傑
貢獻者: 生物科技系所
關鍵詞: 桑黃;肺癌;肝癌;腫瘤動物模式;黑色素細胞癌
日期: 2007
上傳時間: 2009-02-12
摘要: 桑黃的學名為Phellinus linteus,是寄生於桑樹上的一種多年生蕈類,生長緩慢,難以用人工方法栽培,在韓國與日本已被採用作為醫治癌症的藥物。近年研究發現,桑黃具有抗腫瘤及免疫調節等功效。在最近這幾年中,人們開始注意到桑黃 (Phellinus Linteus) 這種藥用蕈對醫治癌症的特效性。許多日本及韓國的醫學研究者早已經確認桑黃具有絕佳的抗癌力(抗腫瘤活性)。於一九八○年代時韓國跟著最先研究桑黃的日本開始對野生桑黃進行正式的研究。直至一九九三年,韓國政府終於正式許可桑黃成為第一種以蕈類作為抗癌劑的醫藥品。及至數年前,日本也將桑黃當成健康食品,正式進口販售,於是使用桑黃者大大激增。由於桑黃的免疫與抗腫瘤功效且不具有副作用的優點,不過因桑黃生長緩慢所以數量有限,而本校利用發酵的技術將桑黃不再是昂貴及稀少的抗癌劑,不過必須經過多方實驗印證後才能對本校所生產的桑黃發酵菌絲體具有相同的抗癌效果。因此,本計劃擬研究桑黃發酵菌絲體與抗癌藥物Cisplatin, Etoposide, Methotrexate, Mitomycin及Paclitaxel相互評估,投予黑色素細胞癌、肺癌與肝癌等腫瘤動物模式:腫瘤接種模式、誘導原發性肝癌動物模式及靜脈注射誘導腫瘤模式,測試桑黃是否能輔助抗癌藥物更可以有明顯的抗癌作用。首先,經由酚硫酸呈色法的去比較市面上的桑黃樣品之中所含得多醣含量參差不齊,我們挑選了期中含量較高的桑黃當作我們的實驗物,接著利用抗氧化試驗DPPH及TEAC發現了利用酒精沉澱取得的多醣具有較好的抗氧化活性,之後我們分別利用了不同癌症細胞以及腫瘤組織培養的方式去驗證桑黃多醣對於輔助癌症的效果,結果證實了酒精沉澱的桑黃多醣萃取物對於癌症化療的輔助效果十分顯著,再來我們使用了腫瘤轉移的動物模式來測試桑黃多醣對於腫瘤轉移是否有減緩的效果,從動物的肺臟圖片顯示腫瘤轉移的情形有被減緩的情形出現,由以上結果顯示我們可以推斷桑黃多醣對於癌症輔助治療的效果不錯且可以減緩腫瘤轉移的產生,但是其相關作用機制扔需更進一步的實驗來證明
Phellinus linteus, a unique fungal species, used as a folk medicine for over one thousand years. Hepatocellular carcinoma and lung cancer are the most prevalent cancers in Taiwan, often respond with limited efficacy to currently available chemotherapeutics with multidrug resistance (MDR) expression. The present study were to establish a valuable system in vitro and in vivo, compare the adjuvant anti-cancer effects from Phellinus linteus mycelia on the human hepatoma cell line (HepG2), mouse lung cancer cell line (LL2) and melanoma cell (B16F10). First, the cancer cells occurred resistance to several clinical chemotherapies, then the adjuvant anti-cancer effects of Phellinus linteus were observed by MTT assay and flow cytometry in vitro assay . Using 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine incorporation (for proliferation detection) and Annexin V-FITC/PI staining technology (for apoptosis detection), through modulating the MDR phenotype, which cause resistance to several malignant/recurrent tumors before surgical operation to evaluate the anti-cancer effects of Phellinus linteus extract. An in vivo-like three-dimensional culture (histoculture system) will been applied to evaluate the activity of anticancer drugs and its results are correlated to the clinical outcome in several solid carcinomas. Also, we evaluate COX-2, Akt, and PARP-1 expression during general chemotherapy by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC) associated with recording survival rates and tumor metastasis under Phellinus linteus administratio
URI: http://ir.lib.stut.edu.tw/handle/987654321/3552
附註: 計畫編號:CCMP96-RD-015
研究期間:9605~ 9704

詳細資料備索或來信洽詢 yujengshin@gmail.com

